July 2024 Edition


July 2024

News, Views and Happenings from "Up the Creek"

Greeting Members and Happy 4th of July!

June was busy with a delicious pork schnitzel dinner by Greg Yu for the membership meeting; several rentals; and ending with Mia's awesome Viking Sailstice party/cruise-in. I'll let Mia tell you all about how great the party was. Thanks Mia!

Paul K. not only pulled off a great parking lot work party on June 9th, but he also oversaw many new interior renovations in the bathrooms, shower, office and bar. As part of the exterior improvements, there is now a designated smoking area. The board voted to eliminate smoking & vaping on the back deck. See Paul's building report for all the details and give him a pat on the back for the many improvements he has spearheaded.

We are all looking forward to the Car Show & Shine on Sunday, July 14. We hired a great rock & roll band and will be grilling hotdogs & hamburgers. We need lots of volunteers to help with guest parking, grilling and bartending. See myself or Paul K. for more information to volunteer. It should be a really fun time.

On a final note: we now have "Dumpster Tuesday." Club members are allowed to use the dumpster for personal use ONLY on Tuesday's trash collection day and only if there is room. Use of the dumpster on any other day will not be allowed. And please make a donation to the building fund with a note stating you used the dumpster when you do. Thanks.

I'll see you at the club and be sure to welcome our newest member Steve Moews. Steve has a 2020 17' Reflex Chianti that he keeps in Petaluma. He will be presented with his member packet at the general meeting on July 11th.

To lawfully serve alcohol to others at the bar, you must be RBS certified with ABC:
  1. Register an account to get an ID number.
  2. Take training from an authorized RBS Training Provider. Ask Mia for a “token” to cover the cost of RBS training.
  3. Pass the ABC Alcohol Server Certification Exam within 30 days of training.
  4. File your certificate or number with the club office manager.
Invite your friends, family and prospective members to our Friday Happy Hour and our monthly events! Our fun is contagious!


FYI: Replacement Nametags: $15
Contact Greg Yu

Midsummer Viking Sailstice-Solstice Party

by Mia Bernt
June 22, 2024
In case you’re asking yourself, what does that mean? According to Mia and my Swedish Viking roots, it’s a reason to celebrate in June. For a few reasons. Midsummer is a big celebration in June in Sweden🇸🇪. It starts the summer off on the right foot. Why wouldn't we add a component of Vikings, Sailing ⛵️ 🛶 🛥️ and Yacht Club camaraderie!?!

About Sailstice
Summer Sailstice was founded in 2001 by John Arndt, as the global, annual celebration of sailing held on the weekend nearest the summer solstice. It has grown from 200 boats in 2001 to almost 5,000 boats today. It’s estimated that almost 19,000 sailors are now participating.

Vision: Unite sailors worldwide to celebrate and share their passion for sailing.
Mission: A spectacular weekend of sailors worldwide participating in common, inspiring events to demonstrate and celebrate sailing.

Why Celebrate Sailing?
Sailing has expanded the horizons of the human race, connected continents and cultures, enriched the lives of mankind and, to this day, continues to bring millions under its spell. It's all about sharing one weekend of sailing 'together'.
Founder: John Arndt Publisher at Latitude 38, since 1977. Sailstice founder and our favorite local boating magazine publisher, John and his wife Leslie sailed their 1989 Sabre 38 Finistere from the Corinthian Yacht Club to San Rafael Yacht Club. It was nice to have the founder of this event visit our club.

This year like the past few, we’ve had Vikings from other Villages near and far join us at SRYC.
Friday, after getting tremendous help from Vice Commodore Greg Yu with making close to 800 köttbullar aka Swedish Meatballs, I went to Loch Lomond YC with Rosie.
This is where the first stop of this 3-day party was commencing. The friendly Vikings from Loch Lomond, Corinthian YC, Angel Island YC and Sierra Pt YC were getting started with a feast of not one but TWO lobsters 🦞 per plate! Cooked by the visiting CYC members.
Saturday once again, Greg was in the galley. Dan Parrott stopped by to check things out sip some delicious Y3 JAX wine 🍷 and got sucked in to giving a hand in the galley. Also helping were Lucy Walsh, Kathy, Colleen, Cathrin, Rosie and Erika rolling meatballs, slicing potatoes, preparing salmon, finger sandwiches, cookie trays, and other delicious items for the smörgasbord.

We started a bit earlier for this year's event at 4pm and we had quite a few Vikings at the club. They all got along well. They danced together and ate together. The County Line Blues Band set up outside on the patio. Let me know how you liked it.
On Sunday, Jerry, Paul & Ed were in the Galley and Bar. serving bloody Mary’s, breakfast buffet with eggs, sausage, bacon, waffles, muffins and smoked salmon from my cruise to Alaska with David. Reynold Martinez and family put their boat in the water and cruised into SRYC for the Breakfast.
Thank you to The Thomson’s and Jimmy for moving your boats to make room for our visitors. Jerry, Paul K and Doug prepared for the influx of marauders by prepping the docks for visitors, and getting some desperately needed work in our clubhouse taken care of. The carpets were cleaned and the Ladies and Men’s heads along with the office have a fresh coat of paint with a nice accent wall with nautical blue. Check out the new magazine racks in our entry and near the bar message boards.

Thank you to everyone that helped make this Annual Party a success. It was a lot of fun, but I really appreciated those that just stepped up and in to help make it happen!! Hopefully we all will be ready to do it again in 2025. Mark your Calendars June 20-22 2025!!!
Club Housekeeping
I am Watch Captain for July. On the watch: Anijalg, Arriola PC, Barbieri, Barnes, Benin, Bentley, Bentzen, Bergman, Bernt, Berreyesa, Billingsley, Boyles, Burns, Callahan, Campisi.

The General Meeting is rescheduled to 7/11/24. Yes, we could use help from the watch members and anyone willing…Yes, you should RSVP, so we’ll have enough food. 😎🥩🥔 We don’t have a lot planned yet but we may need help from members who are on other watches. I have a few out of town. If you have an idea for an event, contact me and let’s make it happen!! Karaoke? Bingo? Sunday Funday? Halloween Party, Wine 🍷 Pairing, dominoes, murder mystery…

We could use help for Friday Happy Hour with appetizers. It’s been nice having the BBQ fired up when the weather has been good the past few weeks. I hope to see you at the club this Friday (we have a potential member showing up, and give her a big SRYC welcome -membership chair) and next weekend, Sunday the 14th, we have the Car 🚘 Show and BBQ 🍗 with live music.

Have you gotten your RBS ABC certification yet? Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) Training Program teaches servers to responsibly serve alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption and mitigate alcohol-related harm in California communities. It’s a requirement to be behind the bar and serve drinks 🍷 🍺 🍹 to others. We are a volunteer club and we need as many able bodied people as possible to get trained. New member Colleen Stauss is offering to help with a group training. If you’re interested, let me know ASAP. The dates we’re looking at are Tuesday 7/9 and 7/16. We’re thinking afternoon and or evening. What works for you? Participants would bring their own device to the club and we’ll watch the videos together online and take the test.

Of course you can do it on your own, you have to do an online training and take a test. It’s not necessarily difficult, but takes a bit of time. I have “tokens” for the training so if you need one, let me know and I’ll send you the link. Questions…let me know. 415-999-6422 eventssryc@gmail.com

Ellen compiled our new roster. Did you get yours? Is your info correct? Please let me know if we need to update anything. I will be ordering new membership cards early next week. Do you need a new name tag? It’s nice to have an extra especially when visiting another club. Let me know and we’ll get that ordered for you. $15

Boaters-Fleet List: We need an updated list of our fleet. Please let me know what your boats name, length, beam, sail/power. Are you interested in participating in a cruise-out? Even if it’s small, a kayak, paddle craft or dinghy. We could still have fun this summer. We also need updated photos so please send a photo of your boat or let me know if you need a new picture and we’ll get that done. eventssryc@gmail.com

Are you still reading?? Good now for the important stuff.

The Lighted Boat Parade is Saturday 12/7/24. Unfortunately this will conflict with the Ratliff Annual Tree Murder. So hopefully many of us can schedule to do both.

Nominations are coming soon… Ready to serve on the SRYC Board of Directors?

Alphabet Soup 🍜
I was recently asked to join the RBOC Board of Directors by PICYA. I’ve been involved on the periphery since 2009 so I’m happy to be able to contribute to this extremely important legislative arm for boating. The work done behind the scenes for boating is so valuable and most boaters don’t think about what is going on regarding boaters’ rights and regulations. Summer 2024 boater brief.

That’s it for now, thanks for reading…
Mia Bernt- PC, Rear Commodore

PS: It’s that time of year… check your zinc’s… Mr. Moons Diver, aka Derek Glazzard's Dive Service, visited our 2 boats this week. Send him an online service request or call (707) 890-2092.
ACTIVITIES Rear Commodore, Mia Bernt PC
AUXILIARY Ernie Bergman
BAR Vice Commodore, Greg Yu
BUILDING Jim Meenaghan & Paul Kerrigan
DREDGING Dave Sullivan PC
GALLEY Mia Bernt PC & Dave Pedroli PC
MEMBERSHIP Sheryl Lunsford
PICYA Mia Bernt PC & David Sullivan PC
PORT CAPTAIN Jimmy O’Hagen & Jerry McNulty PC
SEA BREEZE Sheryl Lunsford
SUNSHINE Stephanie Thomson
WEBSITE Sheryl Lunsford



  • Membership Meeting Dinners
  • Friday Night Happy Hours
  • Club Events & Clubhouse Rentals
  • Work Parties
  • Cooking
  • Bartending
  • Setup
  • Cleanup
As of 6.8.24
Anijalg Collins Goebel
Arriola PC Colombard Good
Baker Creedon Hawkins
Barbieri Cronin Hill
Barnes Dollwet Holko
Benin Drobnis Howe
Bentley Doyle Hulse
Bentzen Duffy Johnstone
Bergman Edwards Joseph PC
Bernt, C. Fleming Kelly
Bernt, C. Fox Klahr-Butter
Billingsley Fryer Koehler
Boyles Gerlach Lam
Burns Gio PC Lee
Carrier Glazzard Little
Madsen Parodi Stauss
Martinez Parrott Sullivan, D. PC
Meenaghan Pearce Sullivan, M.
Miller Pedroli Swayne
Moore, J. PC Petersen Taylor
Moore, S. Pickett PC Thill
Murray Pinetti Thomson
Nelson Preston, B. Toth
O'Brien Preston, L. Tuatagaloa
O'Hagan, A. Ratliff PC Tuatagaloa-Wendell
O'Hagan, B. Ringrose Vick
O'Hagan, J. Rossi Wahlsted
O'Hagan, M. Rowley Wienholz
Orloff Royal Weinmann
Pallas, M. Salter Wood
Pallas, N. Spinosa


[First Thursday Every Month]

$15 DINNER JULY 11TH @ 6:00 PM

  • Steak, Baked Potato & Apple Pie
  • Steve Moews, 2020 17'Reflex,
Can't make it in person?
Meeting ID: 878 0744 1307
Passcode: 082806
Every Friday Night
HAPPY HOUR 6:00 – 9:00 PM
Grilled Burgers & Dogs All Summer!
Suggested Donation $5-10
“for the good of the club”

2nd Friday of the Month
Ernie Bergman
Auxiliary President
Hello everyone,

We hope that some, or ALL of our new members will enhance their SRYC experience by also joining the SRYC Auxiliary and help/participate in the selection, planning, and execution of fun events to make membership even more exciting. Or, if you choose to join, you can just sit back and observe, and help out where and when you can (our by-laws DO require you to do SOMETHING during the year). Fund-raisers, dinners, cook your own steak nights, potlucks, theme parties, cruise-in events, and more are all potentials for the 2024 calendar.
The Auxiliary is open to all members and their significant others. Traditionally the Auxiliary leans towards family related activities. We organize Christmas parties, theme dinners i.e. Italian nights, Cook Your Own Steak nights, Karaoke evenings and many other fun-filled events. The goal is always to provide enjoyment and opportunities for fund raising.
Dues are only $20/year payable to SRYCA.
Just place your application and dues in the office mail slot.


by Paul Kerrigan, Director

This month was a busy one with many projects being completed: New LED lighting was installed in the men's, women's, and shower room; new automatic flushometers were installed on the urinals in the men's room; painting was completed in both bathrooms, office, and shower room; the ceiling was repaired in the office and new molding and carpet installed; carpets were cleaned throughout; the sign on the front gate was painted; and a designated smoking area has been added on the right side of the parking lot with a bench and an ashtray. Thanks to all who helped.
REMINDER: The parking lot can no longer be a free drop-off zone for used items. PLEASE DO NOT leave donations of any kind any where on the premises without permission from the Commodore or myself. It is unsightly and makes more work for us to dispose of. Thank you for your cooperation.

Paul Kerrigan
Follow the links in the Online Ship's Store for product descriptions, colors and sizes for men, women and children's clothing and other items for home.

Clothing in the club's Display Case has items available for direct purchase payable at the bar.




Do you have a suggestion for the Sea Breeze and/or website you'd like to see? If so, please pass them onto me!
My wishlist of online content:
My wishlist of new club gadgets:
Email: Sheryl Lunsford
Text: 415.717.8217
Please note my new phone number


Create Your Members Only Profile*

  1. Go to SRYC. Click Register and complete the form.
  2. An email will confirm receipt of your registration and ask you to validate your account.
  3. You will receive a new email asking you to notify the Webmaster of your pending registration.
  4. Once approved, an email will confirm your registration is activated along with instructions.
  5. Login with the auto-generated password or click change your password here.
  6. To create a new password, use Forgot password? Click here to reset.
  7. The Members Only menu will magically appear. Click on it to enter.
  8. Club documents accessible by Members Only:
    • Roster
    • Bylaws
    • Club Rules
    • Watch Teams
    • Membership Application
    • Rental Agreement
    • Blank Meeting Agenda
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