FRIDAY NIGHT HAPPY HOUR 6-9PM Suggested Donation $10 or Bring a Side Dish Share! UPCOMING EVENTS! Screenshot MEMBER NEWS 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Winners of the Western Night Horse Race!L-R: Janine Thill, Rick Thill & Rosie Wendell MONTHLY MEETINGS General MembershipFIRST THURSDAYS @ 6PM Auxiliary MembershipSECOND FRIDAYS @ 6PM Board of DirectorsLAST THURSDAYS @ 6PM San Rafael Yacht Club is a Member of PICYA PICYA Member Clubs Our Neighbors on San Rafael Creek Loch Lomond YC Marin YC Please leave this field empty SEA BREEZE Monthly Newsletter Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. Please leave this field empty SEA BREEZE Monthly Newsletter Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription.