St. Patrick’s Day at SRYC 3/15/25

SRYC 200 Yacht Club Drive, San Rafael, CA, United States

Commodore Ó Ciaragáin Is requesting ye save the ol date of 15th March 2025 and that ye come celebrate in good ol' Irish style at The merry establishment of San Rafael Yacht Club. Please Cruise-In up the San Rafael Creek, Spend the weekend with us Details shall be forthcoming but please save the date. This Read More


San Francisco Bay

Contact Mia for more information 415-999-6422

Memorial Day Weekend Cruise to Petaluma

Petaluma YC 10 C Street, Petaluma, CA

  Save the Date Memorial Day Weekend to Petaluma Yacht Club! Cruise by Boat and stay in the heart of Petaluma or Cruise on your Land Yacht. There are many local hotels.  

Viking Sailstice Solstice Party Weekend

SRYC 200 Yacht Club Drive, San Rafael, CA, United States

Save the Date and get your Viking gear together for a cruise up the San Rafael Canal. Destination: San Rafael Yacht Club PICYA Reciprocal Clubs encouraged to Cruise-In for a fun filled weekend. Details in the works